Travel Health Education & Training for healthcare professionals.
  • Travel Health Education

    Travel Health Education

    We offer structured & bespoke courses in the education & training of travel health for healthcare professionals.
  • About Our Trainers

    About Our Trainers

    Qualified, Motivated & Experienced instuctors in Travel Health Education.
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  • Travel Health Courses

    Travel Health Courses

    Our Courses are suitable for suitable for; Practice Nurses, GPs, Occupational Health providers, Pharmacists & anyone else interested in Travel Health Education.
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  • Travel Health Advice

    Travel Health Advice

    We've put together an extensive list of website links & valuable resources for travel health advice for people travelling abroad from the UK.
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Qualified, Motivated & Experienced

Travel Heath Education is provided by highly qualified and motivated trainers with many years of clinical experience in both the care of the traveller and in teaching and mentoring students in a variety of settings.

  • Our Courses

    Our Courses

    Our courses are interactive, include case studies and discuss the practicalities of providing a Travel Health service and are suitable for; Practice Nurses, GPs, Occupational Health providers & Pharmacists
  • Qualified Trainers

    Qualified Trainers

    Travel Heath Education is provided by highly qualified and motivated trainers with many years of clinical experience in both the care of the traveller and in teaching and mentoring students in a variety of settings.
  • Travel Advice

    Travel Advice

    We've put together an extensive list of website links & valuable resources for travel health advice for people travelling abroad from the UK & EU.

Travel Health Education

The relatively new discipline of Travel Medicine evolved in the latter part of the 20th century in part due to the rapid growth in air travel affordability which enabled many more individuals to explore new and exotic destinations.

As well as experiencing the wonders of different countries and cultures travel also, in some parts of the World, exposes the individual to a host of new infections such as malaria, Yellow fever and many other hazards.

In 1990 the number of journeys abroad undertaken by UK citizens was 31.8 million and has grown almost year on year since then, with a slight decrease after the economic downturn in 2008. Journeys undertaken in 2015 peaked at 65.7 million visits. (Office for National Statistics). While most of this travel is to relatively safe destinations in Europe and North America increasing numbers venture farther afield putting them at risk of the previously mentioned hazards.

There are many reasons the individual travels – holiday, business, adventure, aid work and, for increasing numbers, to visit friends and relatives(VFRs). Care and advice must be tailored for the individual traveller and their itinerary.

Traditionally for travel health advice, immunisation and prophylaxis the first port of call is to the individuals’ general practitioner (GP) but the service is also provided in private clinics, pharmacies and the occupational health setting.

To help maintain the traveller’s health during and after travel, it is essential that they are given appropriate care and advice by a suitably trained practitioner. The courses provided by Travel Health Education follow the recommendations of three important documents –

  • 'Travel health nursing: career and competence development'
    Chiodini J, Boyne L, Stillwell A, Grieve S. Travel health nursing: career and competence development, RCN guidance. RCN: London, 2012.
  • Recommendations for the practice of travel medicine
    Chiodini JH, Anderson E, Driver C, et al. Recommendations for the practice of travel medicine, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 2012, 10, pp. 108-128, London: Elsevier

  • Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training (HPA 2005)

For further information and details please contact us

  • Beach
  • Injection
  • Lake
  • Mosquito
  • Planning
  • Travel Sign